SMCC Summer Open

Southside Senior Center 2215 S. Freemont Ave., Springfield, MO, United States

Tournaments and fundraiser for the Southside Senior Center, home of the Springfield, MO. Chess Club. July 22 – Blitz fundraiser tournament.  G/5, seven rounds.  7:45 PM to 9:30 PM.  USCF blitz rated and unrated sections.  $5 entry, no prizes. July 23 & 24 – G/90;d5.  USCF rated.  $20 entry (k-12 option $5 entry, not eligible for prizes).  First place $40, [...]


2022 Springfield Open

Plaster Student Union 1110 E Madison St, Springfield, MO, United States

5SS, G/90, d15 Prizes: $850 prize fund based on 30 full-paid entries. Class prizes based on 4 per class Open: $200-1st, $150-2nd, A/B/C/D-$100 each, U1200/UNR-$50. Entry: $30, Scholastic (K-12) may play for rating only, 50% off entry. E-mail registration accepted, cash only on-site. Check-In: 8:30-9:30am Rounds: Sat-10/2:30/7, Sun-10:00/2:30 Max one 1/2-pt bye if declared by Rd. 2. MCA membership req’d, [...]


2023 Columbia Open

Hampton Inn & Suites 1225 Fellow's Place, Columbia, MO, United States

$5 Play for Rating Columbia Open. Location: Hampton Inn & Suites, 1225 Fellow’s Place, Columbia MO 65201 Entry Fee: $5. Rounds:G/60,d5Rounds Times: 10am, 12:30, 2:45, 5pm Registration: Pre-reg by email to include Name and USCF #. Payment on site only. Cash preferred Check in between 9 – 9:45am Prizes: Honor, glory and rating points! This is an Open play [...]


2023 Missouri State University Open

Plaster Student Union 1110 E Madison St, Springfield, MO, United States

Co-hosted by the Joplin Chess Club and MSU Chess Club Location: Missouri State University Plaster Student Union West Ballroom 1110 E Madison St Springfield, MO 658975SS, G/90, d15. 2-sections; Sections may be combined for pairing purposes Prizes: $1,600 prize fund based on 30 full-paid entries Upper(1400+): $400-1st, $300-2nd, $150-3rd, $100-U1600 Reserve(U1400): $300-1st, $200-2nd. $100-3rd, UNR $50 Players may play up [...]


SMCC Summer G/90 Quads

Southside Senior Center 2215 S. Freemont Ave., Springfield, MO, United States

When: Saturday June 24 Where: Southside Senior Center in Springfield, MO. Entry: $25. First three titled players enter for free. Extra donations to the senior center are welcome. Time control: G/90;d5 USCF Rated: Yes (US Chess memberships must be current before round 1) Round times: 10:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 5:15 PM (or directly after second round if players agree) Prizes: [...]
