2018 Missouri Scholastic Championship
Battle High School 7575 St. Charles Road, Columbia, MO, United StatesFull event details can be found by clicking the images below. 2018 State Flyer (click image) Register NOW Shirt Order form (click image)
Full event details can be found by clicking the images below. 2018 State Flyer (click image) Register NOW Shirt Order form (click image)
Full event details can be found by clicking the images below. 2019 State Flyer (click image) Shirt Order form (click image)
Parkade Center, lower level This event is open to qualifying players in grades 9-12. It is a 4 round, Game in 60, USCF Rated event to determine The individual Denker High School Tournament Representative Qualification: Players may qualify for the event at the State Scholastic Championships held in Columbia on March 30th, or players may qualify by USCF Rating. — [...]
Parkade Center, Lower Level The tournament is open to all girl players, grades K-12. Hosted by the Missouri Chess Association. The tournament will be a 4 round, Game in 60 USCF Rated event. Qualification: All Female players currently in Kindergarten through 12th grade, are welcome to play. USCF membership is required. Rounds: G/60 d;5. Round Times: 10, 12:30, 2:45, [...]