- This event has passed.
KCF All-Girls National Championships
April 20, 2018 - April 22, 2018
$60presented BY
Kasparov Chess Foundation, Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation & USCF
Format: 6SS, G/90,d5
Entry Fee: $60 mail/online by 3/19 $80 by 4/9, $95 after. Do not mail after 4/13. $20 fee for roster or section changes after 4/13. $10 fee for refunds.
Online Entry / Info: www.rknights.org/allgirls
Mailed Entry: RKnights, attn: All-Girls, PO Box 1074, Northbrook, IL 60065, include name, section, rating, USCF ID#, date of birth, grade, school name city & state.
Opening Ceremony: Fri 2:30pm.
Rounds: Rd. 1 – Fri 3:00pm; Rounds 2-4 – Sat 10:00am, 2:30pm, 6:30pm; Rounds 5-6 – Sun 9:00am & 1:00pm.
Awards: 5:00pm
Bye: One 1/2 point bye available for any round, except round 6, if requested at least 2 hours before the start of the round 1.
Hotel: single – quad $159 Reservations: (888) 421-1442. Reserve early rate may increase / sell out.
Age as of 1/1/2018
Under 8 top 15 individuals, top 500 – 799, top U500, top 6 schools
Under 10 top 16 individuals, top 700 – 999, top U700, top 6 schools
Under 12 top 16 individuals, top 900 – 1199, top U900, top 6 schools
Under 14 top 12 individuals, top 1100 – 1399, top U1100, top 4 schools
Under 16 top 8 individuals, Top 1300 – 1599, top U1300, top 3 schools
Under 18 top 8 individuals, Top 1500 – 1799, top U1500, top 3 schools
(top 3 players added for team scores)
Bughouse Tournament – Fri. 11:00 am, EF $30/team.
Blitz Tournament – Fri. 7pm, G5,d0, EF $20 by 4/9, $25 after or on site.
Any player that achieves a perfect 6-0 score or wins the first place trophy, in each age category, qualifies to represent the USA at the 2018 World Cadets (U/8, U10, U/12) / World Youth (U/14, U/16, U/18) Championships